Best anti keylogger software
Best anti keylogger software

best anti keylogger software

Some registry files are necessary for your computer to function properly deleting crucial files could result in a computer crash. Before removing any files from your registry, be sure to back up your entire registry directory. Open the Run function and type "regedit" to access your computer's registry files. Step *: Then, remove the keylogger from your registry. Restart your computer once you complete this step. Be sure all the files with the key logger's name are removed from your programs folder and hard drive.


Search your hard drive with the Windows search tool, look for any files or folders that share a name with the key logger (some key loggers have multiple identities).

best anti keylogger software

Right-click on the task/program in Task Manager and select "Open Containing Folder." Remove all files related to the keylogger's name or identity. Once you are sure you have the key logger's name, uninstall it using the Add/Remove Programs function located in Control Panel (for Windows users). Examine all the programs and tasks to find the key logger, research the name online to be sure it is a virus (and not a critical computer function). Open your computer's task manager (hold Control, Alt and press Delete) or type "msconfig" into the Run function located on your Start menu. If you are aware of a key logger, you likely have an idea of what the name is. The first step is discerning the key logger's file or program name. Step 2: Next, remove the silent key logger's program. The process of removing a key logger requires patience and a thorough examination of various files and registries. Malicious key loggers are coded to be tenacious, dangerous programs, requiring substantial effort to eradicate. Silent key loggers are so named because they do not require any user input to function and usually self-start when the computer is turned on. Step *: First, understand what a key logger is. But i found this "How to Manually Remove a Keylogger".

best anti keylogger software

After searching, i haven't got such keylogger removal software.

Best anti keylogger software